How to Create a Hive Chapter


Below is a manual for those who wish to create a Hive Chapter in their city. 

  • A Hive Chapter is a local group that offers in-person events for Hive members (leaders who are committed to creating a better world).
  • As our mission is to build a global community of leaders working on creating a better world, we are in full support of you creating your own Hive Chapter. Any Hive member can become a co-leader and create their own Hive Chapter, as long as their city doesn’t already have a chapter. 
  • As a co-leader, we ask that you commit to a one year term
  • As a co-leader we ask that you create 2 or more events per month for your local members as well as offer a monthly mastermind group for your members.
  • So far, Hive has chapters in San Diego, CA and is looking for leaders in other cities. Be sure to fill out this form to express your interest in starting a Hive Chapter.


If you wish to join an existing chapter, you can reach out to the following Chapter Leaders:

  • Hive San Diego – Ryan Allis & John Leto


  • The Big Idea – A Hive Chapter is a local group that offers in-person events and mastermind forums for Hive members (leaders who are committed to creating a better world).
  • Eligibility – Any dues paying Hive member in good standing can start a Hive chapter. If you are not yet a Hive member, you must become a Hive member here.
  • Cost – There is no cost to create a Hive Chapter. 
  • Co-Leaders – We encourage every Chapter to have two (or three) co-leaders at all times. Thus, one of your first roles will be to find another person who will help you co-lead your Chapter. 
  • Co-leader Term: Co-leader terms are 12 months. You’re encourage you limit your term and commitment as co-leader to 12 months to allow other members to step up. Be sure to train the next co-leaders before you step down from your role. 
  • Your Job As Co-Leader – Your job as co-leader is to provide community and connection for the members in your area. Specifically your role is to:
    • Ensure 2+ inspiring events happen each month for your local Hive members
    • Ensure each member who wants to join a mastermind group is able to
    • Bring on other co-leaders and chapter officers as desired
  • Chapter Officers – Should you wish, you can create volunteer officer positions in the club like VP Events, VP Membership, VP Masterminds, VP Sponsorships, etc.
  • Event Types You Can Host – 
    • Authentic Relating Exercises
    • Facilitated Experiences
    • Facilitated Conversations
    • Speakers
    • Social Gatherings
    • Potlucks
    • Game Nights
    • Sports Nights
    • Masterminds
  • Event Topics – Please ensure your events are themed within at least one of the 6 themes of Hive (more event ideas here)
    1. Business & Leadership
    2. Personal Transformation & Wellness
    3. Future Studies (Science, Technology, & Human Progress)
    4. Mindfulness & Energy Dynamics
    5. Creativity & Playfulness
    6. Social Impact
  • The Hive Formula – All events should follow the “Hive Formula” of Magical People + Connection Exercises + Inspiring Experiences = Transformation
  • Include At Each Event – At each Hive event, be sure to include:
    • A short embodiment exercise (2-3 minutes)
    • A short breathing/mindfulness exercise (1-2 mins)
    • A short authentic relating exercise/playful game (2-3 minutes)
  • Members-Only Events – Hive Chapters host events for dues paying Hive members in their area. You may invite a prospective member to sit in on up to one free members-only event. Afterwards, they will need to go through the member application and approval process and pay their annual member dues to continue coming.
  • Prospective Member Events – You can also host special events for prospective members in order to increase the number of local Hive members.
  • Finances – Most chapters operate without any need for funds (everything done on a volunteer/in-kind basis). Should your members determine funds would be helpful to run your local chapter, your members can choose to establish local dues by a majority vote. Local dues are not to exceed $250 per member per year. Most chapters operate on a strictly volunteer model with no need for funds and are able to get free/donated venues. If you collect local dues, establish a dedicated bank account for the collection of dues and use of Chapter Expenses and put an officer in charge (like a Treasurer) of ensuring the integrity of the account is maintained just for the use of chapter expenses.
  • Signage – Every official Hive event must have at least 2 pull-up vertical banner stands with a white Hive logo on a red background. We recommend purchasing these from ($150 each). You can use this Adobe Illustrator template.
  • Masterminds – Each local member should have the opportunity to be be placed in a mastermind group. Masterminds meet monthly for 3 hours at a rotating location (usually the home or office of a member) and should always have between 6 and 10 members. When a member joins a mastermind group, they are committing to attend 9 out of 12 meetings per year, or be asked to leave the mastermind forum. The first time a member attends their Mastermind group, they will share their 30 minute life story with the group (a Hive tradition), using a format called the Life Line.
  • Mastermind Meeting Format – 
    • 30 mins – Welcoming of any new members
      • New member life story sharing
      • Introductions if new member present
    • 90-120 mins – Mastermind (Around 4-5 members go each time, not everyone goes each time)
      • 6 Mins – Introduce Your Biggest Current Challenge, Provide Details
      • 6 Mins – Clarifying Questions from the Group
      • 6 Mins – Feedback & Advice from the Group
  • Event Music – Here are some free Hive Spotify playlists we’ve used at past Hive events. Thanks to Ryan Rogers for creating most of these!
  • Branding – You can use the Hive brand name and logo free of charge. 
  • Logo Template – Create your event logo using this Adobe Illustrator Template with Red Background, using the Adobe Illustrator Template with a White Background or using the Hive Branding Template in Powerpoint. Be sure to install the free fonts Gotham Medium and Lato Light on your computer first before you open the file so the logos display properly.
  • They should look something like:
  • Facebook Event Headers – Below is an example of a logo for a chapter event on Facebook. Notice how a semi-transparent picture of San Diego was put behind the logo to make it look more interesting. Download the Adobe Illustrator (AI) File with a city background here and with a plain red background here. You can adjust the font size for the city name as needed based on the length of the word. 
  • Hive Red – Hive’s official red is #B01E28. Please always use this exact color red on all Hive materials. In RGB this is R: 176 G: 30 B: 40. In Pantone this is 1805 C.
  • Hive Community Values

    • Consciousness – Caring for other people with your words and actions. Doing your best to be sensitive and aware to the needs of others. 
    • Inclusion – Actively working to integrate perspectives from all parts of the world and all perspectives.
    • Purpose – Working with a sense of deeper meaning in your life.
    • Wellness – Living a healthy and mindful life.
    • Integrity – Making commitments thoughtfully and honoring your word.
    • Playfulness – Having fun and ensuring you’re making a positive difference in the room with your presence.


Below are some helpful resources. Please reach out to us if you need a more recent version of the file. For the powerpoint files, be sure to install on your computer Lato Light, Bebas Neue, Gotham Medium, and Gotham Light fonts for proper display of Hive slides and materials.